Sunday, November 1, 2009

getting nervous

My half marathon is in three weeks. This was supposed to be my race "back," my uninjured half marathon I could actually train for and actually "race"(for whatever racing means when your half PR is about an 8:20 mile and the only person you're really trying to beat is the 50 year old overweight guy who looks like he might keel over with every step).

I have run once in 2 weeks. For 27 minutes. 9x400 intervals.
My hip/what I imagine to be sciatica has had some issues for the last few weeks, and last weekend during a disastrous 20 minutes playing loose head prop, I tweaked something in my back. It was feeling better till my run Thursday...I popped a couple Advil and reffing a college game went ok on Saturday. I was technically supposed to run 8-10 miles today, but didn't get to that.

On the upside, I am seeing the doctor about this tomorrow. And I know I can still finish the half. And I think if I get all my mileage in the next 2.5 weeks, I can still come in around 2 hours. But probably not UNDER 2 hours like I wanted.

But it is time, now that rugby is (half, coaching isn't) over, to get back on track! I have 13 weeks to the Austin half and WILL PR there!
Do all three midweek runs!
Run 9-11 miles on Sunday no matter how long it takes or if I have to do run/walk intervals!


  1. You're so much speedier than me! Good luck on the half- you'll do awesome!

  2. good luck! make sure you are stretching your lower back and hamstrings. i know mine hate me during long runs. you know, the goofy stretches where you look like an idiot at the gym but they feel great? yeah, lots of those.
