Monday, March 23, 2009


Mike posted about GoodSearch as a fund-raising search engine. I love a little philanthropy (see 3-day link in sidebar!! Walking 60 miles for breast cancer research and awareness (shameless plug to encourage donations!)) . I found my HS marching band as one of the groups you can donate to! As important as cancer research? Probably not. Benefiting the lives and development of hundreds of kids? Yes. CHS Mustang Band, you get my couple of cents per search!

I have no idea how this compares to Google, but so far so good and Mike has Zappo-ed on it, so I figure I can run everything through GoodSearch and if that's not productive, try my buddy Goog (I need to branch out anyway...between gmail, blogger, gchat, googledocs, googlereader, googlefinance...Google owns my life)

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!!

    Thanks Em for helping to spread the word. :)

    I also think it's great you're doing the Susan Komen Walk. I need to promote Relay more too.. Hmm....
