I am a terrible Christmas shopper. I like to shop. Really, I do. But, I kind of suck at giving gifts. My family always tended to buy things as we needed them, something that has continued into my adulthood and certainly the way Princess Charming and I handle things. We were hard pressed to get stocking stuffers. (OK, I am pretty easy to shop for. Get me wool running socks. Or earrings. Or clothes. But I don't NEED anything).
Anyway, tonight, on December 22, I went out to get my parents a present.
Started out OK. I got the last camera at the $79.99 sale price (not bad for a 10.2mp camera...no bells and whistles but it will do the job and be 10000% more effective than the "we didn't want to bring the good camera" situation they currently have). Then I waited in line for 13 minutes to get it from Customer Service.
Then I thought, "hey, I'm out, I'm 2 blocks from T.arget, let me run and get the memory card and case"
Let me remind you it is December 22.
I got to T.arget and got a spot within a reasonable range, though pretty far out for 9:43 pm.
Then I went inside.
Holy hell.
I have never seen the inside of a T.arget - much less this particular very suburban typically impeccable one - in this sort of condition. It looked like a W.almart, without the people.
I spent about 10 minutes trying to find a game for my cousins and the camera accessories, then decided I was nuts and left.
I got in the car and had a complete heart attack because the camera box was not under the seat where I left it.
Then I looked in the back seat.
Bailey - he was along for the ride...he loves a car ride and is perfectly happy to sleep in the driver's wheel well for 20 minutes in temperate weather - appearently thought it was his and chewed the ends off the box. The camera, CD and books are fine, but I sure hope my mom and dad like it...
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