So for this fall I'm planning to run the NYC Marathon. Sorta. The babies are coming in mid-August, so I'm trying to be open minded about deferring. BUT I am DEFINATELY doing the St Louis Half in October, so....I need to start training. It even fits perfectly with one of the two training plans I'm considering for NYC (last summer's Runner's World's 4 hr plan. because, you know, with a 16:55 2 mile time I'm TOTALLY in shape to run a 4 hr marathon. LOLsies).
I'm only doing 10-15 miles a week, capping around 5-6 miles at a pop.
Time to get moving on up. I basically have until the week of July 17 to get fit and get my long run up to 10 miles and my weekly base to 25 miles.
July 17 is in a month. That's 5 running weeks, counting this week. I've run 4 miles this week. And stopped a million times.
Is this a bad idea?
I'm not sure.
But here it goes.
Plan for the rest of the week is 3 3-4 milers and a 7 miler this weekend. That'll put me to at least 20.
and, for the record, if you've been following my weight loss commentary...
I haven't lost an ounce. Still going back to WW though. Again. (OK, technically I weight 2 lbs less than what I did 11 months ago, but we all know 2 lbs is a salty meal).
Seriously though, I need to lose this 15-25 lbs before I give the unborn babies complexes at age 2.
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