A fabulous wedding aside, this past week has been rather blah at Casa de Smith-Saturday.
Effective today though I am doing Hal Higdon's intermediate half plan. I'll be repeating the first three weeks after my July 4th race. I did 3 miles this morning, and I plan to do the same tomorrow.
And I'm actually starting WW tomorrow. Last week was kind of a fail after Thursday. Maintained, but I've done that on my own for...almost 2 years? 1.5 I guess. I think I was 5 lbs lighter when I broke my foot, which really isn't even relevant. At this weight, heaven knows this isn't the first time I've been up here (or past it).
Anyway, onward and upward with the month. No where else to go really.
Perhaps we need to attend more weddings. That crazy, off-beat dancing has got to be good for something. :)