Actually, I'm not exactly sure how this falls with the seperation of church and state, since technically, the government doesn't control the media. (But this article is referencing newspapers in Texas. I can't help but have some leaping conclusions).
I don't even know what to say, aside from quoting a quote in the article:
"Do you have any idea how blatantly offensive this boneheaded move is to the thinking public?” I am somewhat amused, although not suprised, at the 'Christian' backlash/fear of Bibles being disgarded.
And to answer the question at the end: Yes, I do mind getting AOL Disks. Who uses AOL anymore? Such a waste of plastic.
On a side note (its on my mind because someone referenced it on NPR the other day), lets remember that these
Bible Belt folks who keep talking about the importance of keeping "family" life "traditional," have a
significantly higher divorce rate than us heathen-area-dwellers.
Lastly, lets give a bit of props to the
Pope, who is appearently at least slightly openminded/logical and is hopping a little bit on the Go Green bandwagon. (Side note: He's been "spending his time reading and walking scenic landscape"? How is this relevant to the article? And doesn't a (sort of, depending on how you look at it) world leader have...things to do?)