Monday, June 11, 2012

Another 10K PR

Sadly, I don't have the official results of placement. I know I wasn't in the top 10 of my age group though (lol). I emailed the scoring company when neither of us turned up, and they said they fixed it, but the result they assigned to me is about a minute slower than my Garmin PLUS in the wrong age group, so I'm just writing it off and using my Garmin time. Boo hisssss.

Anyway, the race was nice. This is the same race where I did the two miler last year and got 1st in my age group. This year, my dad got third in his age group, but they did away with medals in the two miler except for the top 3 M/F. boo hiss.

Aside from these issues, it was really nice for a local race. Probably 600 runners total, and a good set up area with water (even pre-race), bagel, oranges, and a bounce house for the kids. The teeshirts kind of sucked, but whatever, straight into the goodwill bag. I wish races offered a discounted entry for no teeshirt. I don't need more teeshirts (unless it is a special race) and would rather save $5 or $10.

Start of the Two Miler

Chris and I both did the 10k. She is a beast and did it with the stroller in about 1:11 (11:30 mile or so) and just a couple of starts. I did it on my own and finished in 57:45 (I think, about a 9:25 pace, a 45 sec PR - sidebar,